Our Solutions, Your Workflow

Get up and running in no time with our comprehensive suite of tools empowering community health centers across the United States.

What Others Are Saying

The California Primary Care Association has partnered with Certintell to provide Virtual Visits for our CP3 (alternative payment methodology) program. Virtual visits allow health centers in California to provide alternative touches which helps with coordination of care and improves access for patients to providers when they are not within the four walls of their respective community health center. With the move to value based care, virtual visits will be a key tool in helping to improve care for patients with chronic conditions and helping to keep patients out of the emergency department.

Robert Beaudry, COO California Primary Care Association

Virtual Visits has transformed the way we provide healthcare at Finger Lakes. Reduced travel time for patients and staff in outlying areas, “face-time” with specialists, dentists, and other off-site providers, access to specialty care from world-class hospitals and academic centers as well as the ability to see patients earlier and faster to improve outcomes.

Mary Zelazny, CEO Finger Lakes Community Health

By partnering with Certintell, OIC [Opportunities Industrialization Center, Inc.] is the first-ever FQHC to support Chronic Care Management with Remote Patient Monitoring and I can’t be more grateful to provide these services to our patients in need. Not only that but our Medicare dual eligibles also have the health care support they need at such a critical time in their lives through the combination of these services.

Maisha Pesante, MD at OIC One, North Carolina

The National Center for Farmworker Health is excited to partner with Certintell to be able to improve access to care for farmworkers across the country and help to meet the goals of the AG Worker Access 2020 campaign. Virtual visits will be an important piece of the puzzle as we work collectively to develop more effective strategies to increase access to care for migrant and seasonal agricultural workers and their families over the next five years. Ag Worker Access 2020 calls on every migrant health center grantee to increase by 15% each year over the next five years the number of agricultural workers served. I believe virtual visits will be vital in allowing the farmworker population additional touches with their primary care providers, health coaches and other care team members to enable health centers to meet the goal of Ag Worker Access 2020.

E. Roberta, President & Chief Executive Officer, National Center for Farmworker Health

Our Solutions, Your Workflow

Certintell optimizes care for community health centers by providing care coordination from a virtual Medical Team (Physicians, ARNPs and Care Managers). Care is delivered through the JoinCareTeam™ telehealth portal, streamlining the process of engaging and caring for patients. Care coordination begins by scheduling and completing initial preventative care assessments, saving care teams time and ensuring quality care is delivered. Certintell Care Managers then review care management programs and remote services patients are eligible for, such as RPM, CCM, BHI and more. Once a qualifying patient has enrolled, Certintell Care Managers begin improving overall patient health by providing proactive engagement, access to care and on-going care coordination to ensure patient and clinic success.


Gain a global view of patient health.

Certintell Care Managers can schedule and complete patient assessments (eg. AWV) to gain a full understanding of a patient’s current health and risk factors with the help of Certintell Health Coaches.


Identify patients for qualifying programs.

Improve health outcomes with value-based care by enrolling patients with one or more chronic conditions in qualifying care management programs (eg. RPM).


Track patient health with shared care plans.

Increase patient engagement and create seamless communication between patient, provider and health coach with shared care plans, time tracking and increased instant access to care.

Certintell is a HIPAA-compliant, cloud-based telehealth service provider that allows safety-net providers to reach underserved populations. Specializing in Remote Patient Monitoring, direct data feeds from cellular devices help health providers stay proactive in the care they provide to communities across the United States.

Process Overview

Once we understand your workflow, we guide your telehealth team and providers through each of the five phases of our implementation process. On average, health centers go live within four weeks. After it’s comfortably incorporated into your care approach, we invite you to reach out to us so we can show you how to quickly scale care management opportunities.



Certintell’s platform is customizable to your brand. Your logo, colors, and more are incorporated to leverage your brand.


Our adaptable platform aligns with any provider. Disruptions are minimized while outcomes and efficiency are maximized.


Certintell works with leading EHRs to build deep API integrations. Our focus on inter-operability provides API, SSO, EDI, CCD, HIE and other integrations, whereas a majority of other telehealth platforms offer strictly HL7.


Simple, secure communication eliminates friction points in care delivery. Care teams use text, image, voice and video to improve patient diagnoses and treatments.


Convenient access to care is a priority. With Certintell, patients can receive care any place, any time.

Certintell is a HIPAA-compliant, cloud-based telehealth platform that allows safety-net providers to reach underserved populations. The technology seamlessly integrates with leading FQHC electronic medical records while making a spectrum of comprehensive services more accessible and affordable for those who need it most.

Certintell is a HIPAA-compliant, cloud-based telehealth platform that allows safety-net providers to reach underserved populations. The technology seamlessly integrates with leading FQHC electronic medical records while making a spectrum of comprehensive services more accessible and affordable for those who need it most.