
Improving Patient Outcomes: The Impact of ACO Benefits


As Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs), your commitment to providing comprehensive, high-quality healthcare to underserved communities is unparalleled. One strategic approach to furthering this mission is participating in Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs), particularly the Medicare Shared Savings Program (MSSP) ACOs. MSSP ACOs offer a unique opportunity for FQHCs to improve patient outcomes and access while controlling costs. In this blog, we’ll explore the benefits of MSSP ACOs for FQHCs and how some health centers have utilized savings to enhance patient care.

Understanding MSSP ACOs

MSSP ACOs are groups of healthcare providers and suppliers who voluntarily come together to coordinate care for Medicare patients. The goal is to deliver high-quality care while reducing unnecessary costs. FQHCs play a crucial role in these ACOs, providing essential primary care services and often serving as the patient’s medical home.


Benefits for FQHCs

Participating in MSSP ACOs can bring several advantages for FQHCs:

Utilizing Savings for Patient Benefit

Many FQHCs have used the savings generated from MSSP ACO participation to benefit their patient population in various ways:

New ACO Primary Care Flex Model

The ACO Primary Care Flex Model (ACO PC Flex Model) is a voluntary program within the Medicare Shared Savings Program starting January 1, 2025. It aims to improve health outcomes, quality, and costs of care for underserved populations through predictable payment rates to ensure increased funding for primary care in Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs).

Key points include:¹


Participating in MSSP ACOs offers FQHCs a valuable opportunity to enhance patient care while controlling costs. By leveraging savings, FQHCs can further their mission of improving health outcomes and access for underserved communities. We encourage you to explore MSSP ACOs and discover how they can benefit your health center and patients.


Certintell is proud to share that we are a partner of VitaSavings,
an FQHC MSSP ACO partner for value-based care!



¹ Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. ACO Primary Care Flex Model. CMS.gov. Retrieved April 29, 2024, from https://www.cms.gov/priorities/innovation/innovation-models/aco-primary-care-flex-model

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