
Bringing Health Care to Schools

School-Based Health Centers (SBHCs) eliminate barriers in health care by partnering with school districts to ensure that all children have access to high-quality care in a convenient location. An array of medical staff work together to care for children’s physical, social, emotional and behavioral health.

A child’s mental health is just as important as their physical health, and many children suffer from some type of mental health condition. Roughly 70% of children who receive mental health services access those services in a school setting.¹ A child’s school environment is a place of protection and security for students struggling with a mental health disorder.

Many health needs for children are met by School-Based Health Centers, including the below.²

Beyond SBHC Acute Care

School-Based Health Centers treat acute illnesses as well as chronic conditions, such as diabetes. SBHCs can deliver both clinical and non-clinical services to prevent the onset of type 2 diabetes.²



There are close to 3,000 School-Based Health Centers across the nation working to improve the overall health of children.3  Delivering health services in schools sets children up for higher academic success and reduces the number of absences they have for doctor visits. Certintell supports SBHCs and believes they are helping close our nation’s care gap.


Review the School-Based Health Alliance’s policy priorities

Advocate for these Medicaid Policies from the School-Based Health Alliance

READ MORE: Arkansas SBHC provides children with dental care through a Mobile Dental Clinic


¹ Alliance, School-Based Health. “Mental Health | School-Based Health Alliance Mental Health | Redefining Health for Kids and Teens.” 1 Aug. 2019, www.sbh4all.org/school-health-care/health-and-learning/mental-health.

² “Diabetes | California School-Based Health Alliance.” 1 Aug. 2019, www.schoolhealthcenters.org/healthlearning/diabetes.

3 Alliance, School-Based Health. “National School-Based Health Care Census | School-Based Health Alliance National School-Based Health Care Census | Redefining Health for Kids and Teens.” 1 Aug. 2019, www.sbh4all.org/school-health-care/national-census-of-school-based-health-centers.


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